Research Opportunities
Programs & Experiences
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Looking for a summer undergraduate research experience? The peak period for notices of this type of program is between December and March.
Chemistry REU at Colorado State University
This summer experience combines an enviable environment with access to world-class researchers working in all areas of chemistry, at length scales ranging from molecules to extended materials. This 10 week summer program will take place between late May/early June into early August 2024. Participants receive $6000 stipend, on-campus housing, and meals during the program. Review of applications begins in early December and continues until the program is filled.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate Office of University Programs sponsors the Professional Opportunities for Student Workforce to Experience Research (HS-POWER) Program for undergraduate students. HS-POWER is open to students majoring in a broad spectrum of homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines as well as DHS mission-relevant research areas which includes social sciences. Undergraduate students receive $750 per week for 10 weeks during the summer. Housing and travel reimbursement available. Applications due December 15.
This fellowship is awarded to an Aquinas College undergraduate student majoring in any of the business programs and it supports the student in an experiential learning opportunity. A faculty mentor will guide the student's work. Contact the Office of Academic Affairs with questions.
William and Jean Wendover Fellowship
For an Aquinas College undergraduate in any academic discipline, this fellowship supports the student in an experiential learning opportunity with an organization. The opportunity may take place during summer session, fall semester, or spring semester. A faculty mentor will guide the student's work. Contact the Office of Academic Affairs with questions.
This large global veterinary healthcare company has internships available for the summer at its Kalamazoo location and elsewhere. Competitive pay. Due dates vary.
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) with U.S. Department of Energy
This program encourages undergraduate students to pursue careers in STEM fields. Selected students work at one of the 17 participating national laboratories around the United States, performing research under the guidance of staff scientists and engineers. Appointments are for 10 weeks in fall (August-December), spring (January-May), or summer (May-August). Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and will receive $500/week stipend, housing and travel support. Applications are due late May for the fall term, January for summer term and in early October for the spring term.
Various unpaid internships are available each year to provide undergraduate students experience in historic preservation careers. Applications are due May 1 (for summer), Sept. 1 (for fall), and Jan. 1 (for spring).
Outstanding geoscience or geo-related engineering students with a strong interest in federal science policy are invited to apply for this semester- or summer-length internship with the American Geosciences Institute. Fall term (September-December), Spring term (January-April), and summer term (May-August) positions are available. Applicants must be legally eligible to work in the United States. Interns are paid a stipend. Applications are due April 15 (for fall), Oct. 15 (for spring), and March 1 (for summer).
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Research internships are available in a variety of fields related to environmental issues. Participants receive $550/week. Applications are due Feb. 15 for summer projects (May-August), Nov. 15 for winter/spring (January-April), and June 1 for fall (September-December).
Professional Internship Program at NETL
This program of the National Energy Technology Laboratory is designed to introduce students to the challenges of conducting energy research. Participants interact with assigned mentors who guide their research activities. Applications are always accepted; for best results apply by Feb. 15 (for summer), June 1 (for fall), and Oct. 1 (for spring) appointments.
National Museum of the American Indian Internships
Students interested in museum professions and related fields are invited to apply. Interns complete projects using the museum resources with professional staff. Stipends range from $1,000-8,000 for a 10-week program. International, as well as domestic, students are eligible for these internship positions. Applications are due Nov. 15 (for winter/spring), Feb. 15 (for summer), and June 15 (for fall).
Undergraduates studying policy, communications or law are invited to apply for an internship during fall semester, spring semester or summer. Interns are paid a stipend of $1,000 per month to work at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. Applications are due June 27 (for fall), Nov. 1 (for spring), and Feb. 15 (for summer).
Undergraduate students interested in NASA-related research topics should apply for these internships, held at various NASA sites. Interns are assigned to a career professional mentor while working for 16 weeks (10 weeks in summer) on tasks that contribute to operations or missions. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens with at least 3.0 GPA. Interns receive a stipend. Applications are due July 1 (for fall), Nov. 5 (for spring), or March 8 (for summer).
Oak Ridge Environmental Management Science Education and Internship Program
Offers undergraduate students and recent graduates opportunities to receive specialized training and practical experience on the safe cleanup of environmental projects. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Internships
Mainly focused on science and engineering, this national lab sponsors a wide range of paid internship opportunities for undergraduate students every year.
Institute for Women's Policy Research Internship Program
The IWPR, located in Washington, D.C., offers this internship program to train undergraduates in fundamentals of the non-profit sector and grow in policy research skills. Internships are available in Research or Accounting and Operations areas. These are paid internships with flexible time commitments, although they typically last one semester. International students and college students of all levels are encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Pierce Cedar Creek Institute Grants and Fellowships
PCCI is located near Hastings, Michigan. A variety of research grants and fellowships for undergraduate students are offered during the summer including Environmental Research Grants (up to $13,000; pre-application due November), the Steeby Land Management Fellowship ($4,500), the Gordon Art Fellowship ($8,000), and the Nature in Words Fellowship ($8,000). All applications are due late January or early February.
Search the Amway Careers site for internship opportunities available to undergraduates. Opportunities span many different disciplines and are offered year-round.
Aquinas Summer Scholars Grants
This program provides an opportunity for student-faculty pairs to pursue a collaborative project during the summer break. Projects may come from any academic discipline. The program includes a stipend of $1,500 for the student and $1,000 for the faculty mentor of each team. Requirements include a written report at the end of the summer and a presentation of the results of the project during the Student Research Symposium. The application form is available from the Advantage Center reception desk. The Writing Center staff is eager to assist you with your proposal.
Mohler-Thompson Summer Research Grants
Marguerite and Dennison Mohler established this scholarship to honor their life long interest in education. Ted Thompson (’58) gave money for the Thompson scholarships in memory of his wife who was a nurse. He founded the Xrite Corporation. This scholarship is available to students working on a science research project with participating faculty members during the summer months. The award is based on an application process via individual faculty mentor.
Student Internship Program at Van Andel Research Institute
Summer interns work with closely with a Van Andel scientist for 10 weeks. The program provides training in research methods, procedures and communication skills.
Van Andel Institute Student Independent Study (VAI)
During the spring semester, several Aquinas students have the opportunity to work
in VAI laboratories on research projects for 10-12 hours a week. This internship is
based on an application process via faculty mentors and Van Andel laboratory primary
investigators. Biology elective credit awarded. Several past participants have then
additionally been awarded summer research fellowships and/or permanent jobs at VAI.
Summer Experiences in the Arts and Humanities
This listing is maintained by CURAH, the Arts and Humanities Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research.
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates
Listings of all NSF-funded REU sites with contact information.
Plant Science Research Network Research and Funding Opportunities
This organization provides a list of opportunities for students interested in plant science.
Searchable database of science summer research opportunities.
Conferences & Publications
These opportunities are especially relevant for undergraduate researchers.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters
The annual conference will be held virtually on March 17, 2023. This conference will be held in a hybrid format. Abstracts are due December 19.
This annual undergraduate research conference will take place at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire campus March 13-15, 2023. Students from all disciplines are invited to submit their work for presentation. The conference also features a graduate school fair and networking sessions.
MICU Research and Discovery Day
Lawrence Technological University invites papers, presentations, and posters for this event to be held in spring 2023, at the Southfield Campus. MICU student presenters will earn awards in a variety of categories and will network with industry professionals and academics. Registration opens January 1.
This international online research symposium celebrates student research of all kinds. The symposium takes place May 27-28, 2022. Abstract submissions are due by February 28.
Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research
Mid-SURE is an opportunity for students to share their work with peers and faculty. Over 15 disciplinary categories were represented at last year's event. Mid-SURE will take place July 26, 2023 on the campus of Michigan State University. Registration will open in May 2023.
Sigmi Xi Student Research Showcase
Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society invites students to present in the annual science communication competition. The Student Research Conference involves students from all areas of science.
Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research
The 2023 conference will be held February 17. Abstracts due November 1, 2022. Student presentations are welcome in all fields and disciplines. The conference celebrates academic, professional, and personal achievements resulting from undergraduate research projects.
Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research
This journal publishes reflective essays, analytical essays, research done in partnership with community organizations, research articles, and other types of work by undergraduate students. All manuscripts go through a review process. Submissions are due Aug. 15 for the fall edition, Jan. 15 for the spring edition.
Fine Focus
Fine Focus is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes undergraduate research in all fields of microbiology. Submissions are due Sept. 30 and March 30.
Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research
This peer-reviewed journal is edited and published by a team of students and faculty at Monmouth College. Manuscripts from students in any discipline are accepted. Additional instructions for authors are available under "Call for Papers" at the linked website.
CUR List of Undergraduate Research Journals
Funding Sources
Aquinas Student Senate Research Fund
The Fund provides a formal mechanism to financially support and encourage scholarly student research in a variety of areas of undergraduate study. It creates opportunities for unique and fulfilling collaborations between professors and students by providing grants to support necessary travel, research, data collection, lab expenses, and experiments. Every year the Fund provides money for up to five Summer Scholars that can work the whole summer with a faculty member in the field of their choice. Groups from outside of the physical sciences are highly encouraged. Grants are also available to defray travel expenses associated with presenting research at academic conferences. In short, the goal is to make true scholarly exploration accessible to students who can’t afford to subsidize it on their own.
CUR Travel Awards
Several divisions of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) offer funding to cover undergraduate student travel to present research at conferences. Aquinas is an institutional member of CUR.
Biology: Up to $250 is available for students presenting original biological research at a regional or national disciplinary meeting. Due dates are September and January.
Health Sciences: Up to $400 is available for students presenting original research related to the health sciences at the annual NCUR conference. Applications are due February.
Psychology: Travel awards ($200) are available from CUR's psychology division to support undergraduate students presenting original research at a regional or national disciplinary meeting. Faculty mentors must nominate students for these awards. Nominations are due Oct. 15 and March 15 annually.
Physics & Astronomy: Up to $500 is available for support students presenting at professional meetings. Due dates are Sept. 15 and April 19.
Social Sciences: Up to $200 will be granted to students presenting at national or regional meetings. Applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Program
Grants of up to $1,000 are awarded to students from any area of science and engineering, up to $5,000 for astronomy research, and $2,500 for vision related research. Funding can be used for travel expenses to and from a research site or for purchase of laboratory equipment. Membership in Sigma Xi is not a requirement. Students from any country are eligible. Learn how to submit the best grant application at the linked site. The two annual deadlines are March 15 and Oct. 1.
ACM-W Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences
ACM-W provides funding for women undergraduate students in Computer Science and related disciplines to attend research conferences. The student does not need to be presenting a paper at the conference to receive support. Scholarship applications are reviewed six times a year for up to $600 ($1,200 for intercontinental conferences). Certain ACM special interest group conferences will also provide free registration and a conference mentor.
Undergraduate Research Grant for the Environment (URGE)
This funding opportunity allows for students and faculty mentors to work together
conducting research at the Pierce Cedar Creek biological field station. This award
is grant based from the PCCI institute. Grant applications are submitted jointly between
participating faculty and potential student research to PCCI for consideration and
funding. Stipend $3,500 plus on-site room and board. >More Information and Past Research Findings
Advantage Center
(616) 632-2126